You are here: FAQ > Documaker Standard Edition FAQ > Docupresentment Issues > What causes the LBYRegisterFAPLibLoader to fail?

What causes the LBYRegisterFAPLibLoader to fail?

In default IDS installations, the INI files for the default libraries (such as UTILITY.INI or FINANCE.INI) ask IDS to look for the library manager file (MASTER.LBY) which relates to the Library manager that manages all FAP and LOG files.

In most libraries, IDS uses the FAP and LOG files independently. In many cases, the MASTER.LBY file is not even part of the library IDS is using.

The INI default settings occasionally cause a non-fatal error on the server side as IDS looks for the MASTER.LBY file. The error is not critical and will not make the server fail, but you can avoid the error by commenting out the following option from the INI file for your library (within your docserv directory). Here is an example:

< MasterResource >
	XRFFile  = utilfxr
	DefLib   = mstrres\utility\deflib\
	FormLib  = mstrres\utility\forms\
	LbyLib   = mstrres\utility\forms\
	; FormFile = master.lby (comment out this line)